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Continuous IntegratioN


Continuous IntegratioN

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is the backbone of any software development process. It makes Agile development possible. It ensures code quality is continuously monitored. It creates rapid feedback loop for development teams. It management visibility into team performance without being intrusive or resorting to micro-management.

While it is easy to deploy Jenkins or Atlassian Bamboo, most enterprises find that success or failure of Continuous Integration depends on process design and putting in place all the supporting technologies to make the process successful and easy to use. Developers are notorious for circumventing difficult to use processes and for good reason.

This includes selection, integration and proper training on source code control system, branching strategy, testing tools and frameworks, configuration management tools, packaging and artifact management, deployment strategy, release strategy and host of other issues when software is deployed on public cloud.

Contact us to discuss how Cloudopia can help your organization achieve Continuous Integration goals.


Continuos Deployment

Continuos Deployment

Continuous Deployment

Deployment is the end goal for all software development projects. Continuous Deployment allows software teams to not only demonstrate the fruits of their effort on a continuous basis, it accomplishes this using the same process used for the final production deployment - often called a software release. Continuous Deployment does not necessarily mean continuous release - it simply means that the artifacts produced from the Continuous Integration process can be deployed in some environment - often a QA environment.

Every decision made in designing Continuous Integration process can affect success of Continuous Deployment process and as such the process design activities for both processes must be undertaken simultaneously. Continuous Deployment has its own technical set of challenges. These include automation pipelines for deployment to various environments for developers, QA, pre-production and production.

Contact us to discuss how Cloudopia can help your organization achieve Continuous Deployment goals.

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Container orchestration using Kubernetes

Are you ready to move your workloads to Kubernetes? We have deep expertise in deploying services to Kubernetes using end-to-end CI / CD pipelines that leverage Infrastructure-as-code using techniques like Gitops, Kubernetes Operator Model, Helm charts v2 and v3 and other related tools.

Kubernetes is a very opinionated container orchestration system. The basic concepts are so simple but real life implementations can get complex and daunting pretty quick.


Security. Compliance.

Security. Compliance.

Secure your business. Convince your customers.

We have strong competency in advising our clients on how to secure cloud infrastructure and achieve industry standard compliance certifications.

Our experts provide following services:

  • Assessment of your business as to level and type of compliance required and scope (products, locations, personnel, etc.)
  • Assessment of your business and cloud infrastructure processes as to current level of compliance (Gap analysis)
  • Create plan to achieve full compliance including any truing activities, drive the plan through the organization through daily project management activities
  • We have extensive experience creating secure infrastructure within private and public clouds, including AWS, Google Compute Platform and OpenStack
  • Engage and manage external auditor so as to relieve client staff from time consuming, detail oriented final audit
  • On-going compliance management services to ensure client does not fall out of compliance due to ever changing personnel, processes, product mix, etc.
  • Assist with answering security and compliance questionnaires from client's prospective or existing customers, help craft privacy and security policy documents or white papers. This is a crucial activity that ensures your enterprise sales stay focused on your great products and not get sidetracked by questions over security and compliance issues.

PCI DSS - Credit card

We have helped clients achieve PCI DSS compliance and maintain it year after year.

If you accept credit card as payment, you are subject to PCI compliance. Depending on many factors such as how credit card data is handled in transit and at rest (storage) through your cloud infrastructure, you may be subject to different levels of compliance.

SSAE 16 - SaaS, Data Center

We have helped clients navigate the complicated landscape of SSAE 16 - SOC-1, SOC-2, SOC-3, Type I and Type II reports.

SSAE 16 compliance is especially desirable for service providers (SaaS companies) as it gives clients the best assurance that provider's information systems meet highest standards with respect to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy

Vulnerability and Penetration Testing

Vulnerability and penetration testing are requirements for security compliance audits and as such they are automatically provided and managed as part of our compliance services. We also offer these services as a standalone for those who only need these testing services.

HIPPA - Health Services

Being cloud infrastructure experts, we don't play a big role with respect to HIPPA. However, we can address many of the privacy and security aspects of HIPPA as it related to your cloud infrastructure.


Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is the 1000 pound Public Cloud gorilla. By far the biggest Public Cloud service provider with the widest selection of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service).

Thousands of large to small businesses have integrated AWS services into their IT strategy. Some run their entire business on AWS while many enterprises go for a hybrid strategy to augment their own data center capacity.

It is trivial to create a new AWS account and spin up a few servers. However, most project require deep knowledge of AWS features and capabilities, networking concepts including VPC design, AWS API, Command line tools, CloudFormation and other automation tools. In addition, designing highly-available and scalable infrastructure utilizing multiple availability zones and regions is non-trivial.

Finally, going live on AWS requires more than just setting up the infrastructure. Operationalizing infrastructure requires monitoring and alerting design, log aggregation, integration with Continuous Deployment pipeline and release strategy that minimizes service downtime.

Contact us to discuss how Cloudopia can help your organization make maximum use of AWS.


Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform

With very fast virtual machines, fast global network, pioneering container management and a host of unique technologies perfected inside Google for years, Google Cloud Platform is a very exciting new option in Public Cloud arena.

We have certified Google Cloud Platform engineers with expertise in Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google SQL, Google BigQuery and Google DataStore.